This package is currently provided in beta form and heavy modifications to both functionality and API are likely to occur.
Qiskit RNG is a collaboration between Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) and IBM Quantum for generating certified quantum randomness using IBM Quantum systems running three-qubit GHZ states with random X- and Y-measurements. Provided that the state is tripartite entangled, as measurement by a violation of the Mermin inequality (\(x,y\in \{1,2\}\)):
the measured output can be certified quantum random for values \(2\sqrt{2} \le M_{\rm obs} \le 4\); the underlying state was truly tripartite entangled. The maximum value \(M_{\rm obs} = 4\) indicates maximum randomness, and and that the measurement outcomes are uniformly random. These “raw bits” are passed through a two-source randomness extractor that creates a reduced length uniform random distribution (if \(M_{\rm obs} \neq 4\)) of bits.
Further technical details maybe found in: Foreman et al., “Practical randomness and privacy amplification”, arXiv:2009.06551.
qiskit_rng has passed the following RNG test suites:
NIST Statistical Test Suite
from qiskit import IBMQ from qiskit_rng import Generator IBMQ.load_account() rng_provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='qrng') backend = rng_provider.backends.ibmq_ourence generator = Generator(backend=backend) output = generator.sample(num_raw_bits=1024).block_until_ready() random_bits = output.extract()
Qiskit RNG is provided under the Apache 2 license.