

The current workflow has three parts:

  1. Instantiate a qiskit_rng.Generator from a specified IBM Quantum backend:

    from qiskit import IBMQ
    from qiskit_rng import Generator
    rng_provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='qrng')
    backend = rng_provider.backends.ibmq_ourence
    generator = Generator(backend=backend)
  2. Sample a given number of “raw” bits using the target backend:

    output = generator.sample(num_raw_bits=1024).block_until_ready()
  3. Extract high quality random numbers from the generator output:

    random_bits = output.extract()

    If you want to examine the final parameters passed to the extractor, you can use:

    extractor = rng_provider.random.cqc_extractor
    extractor_params = result.get_cqc_extractor_params()
    random_bits =*extractor_params)

Extractor Parameters

  • rate_sv: The assumption on the initial randomness rate of the used Weak Source of Randomness (WSR) as a Santha-Vazirani source. Effectively epsilon_sec / number of bits from the WSR (in a rate format).

  • expected_correlator: The expected Mermin correlator value. qiskit_rng.constants.EXPECTED_CORRELATOR contains known values for certain backends, which are calculated from long test samples and provide higher security (but lower generate rate). If set to None, the observed value from the sampling output is used.

  • epsilon_sec: A (small) security parameter defining the distance to uniform of the final bit string. When performing privacy amplification as well, epsilon is the distance to a perfectly uniform and private string.

  • quantum_proof: Set to True for quantum-proof extraction in the Markov model (most secure) and to False for classical-proof extraction in the standard model (higher rates but lower security). This should be set to True for security against potential quantum adversaries. Note that setting quantum_proof to True reduces the generation rates considerably.

  • trusted_backend: Set to True if the backend used for sampling is trusted and the interaction is made using a secure channel.

  • privacy: Set to True to also perform privacy amplification and to False if the initial WSR is assumed private already. If set to True, the final output is provably both private and unbiased. If set to False, the final output is provably unbiased.

Use Case Examples and Suggested Parameters

In this section, we list different possible set of parameters for specific use cases and have included only the ones that have a reasonable runtime on a real backend. The final output bit string is certified quantum, random and private (if selected).

For all the use cases below, we recommend a num_raw_bits value of at least 30 million (3e7) to the qiskit_rng.Generator.sample() method.

  1. Random numbers for mathematical simulation or non-adversarial

    When there is no adversary or privacy concern, you can run with the minimum security parameters that allow the highest generation rate:

    • rate_sv=0.95

    • expected_correlator=None

    • epsilon_sec=1e-30

    • quantum_proof=False

    • trusted_backend=True

    • privacy=False

  2. A good trade-off: certified quantum randomness

    We recommend this set of parameter which offers good security but which also runs efficiently:

    • rate_sv=0.95

    • expected_correlator=None

    • epsilon_sec=1e-30

    • quantum_proof=True

    • trusted_backend=True

    • privacy=False

  3. A good trade-off: certified quantum randomness with privacy amplification

    This option is only available if the backend is trusted. We recommend this set of parameters:

    • rate_sv=0.95

    • expected_correlator=None

    • epsilon_sec=1e-30

    • quantum_proof=True

    • trusted_backend=True

    • privacy=True

  4. Towards cryptographic use: certified quantum randomness using a untrusted backend:

    In this case, privacy amplification cannot be performed, and previously profiled correlator value should be used. We recommend this set of parameters:

    • rate_sv=0.95


    • epsilon_sec=1e-30

    • quantum_proof=True

    • trusted_backend=False

    • privacy=False

  5. Towards cryptographic use: certified quantum randomness and privacy with a trusted backend

    This is the most stringent set of parameters in the possible presence of a quantum adversary. We recommend this set of parameters:

    • rate_sv=0.95


    • epsilon_sec=1e-30

    • quantum_proof=True

    • trusted_backend=True

    • privacy=True